Travanj 12th A new XZ backdoor scanner will be able to safeguard any Linux binary from threats
IT teams worried about the XZ Utils supply chain attack can breathe a bit more easily after Binarly released a free online scanner to ease worries. Cybersecurity researchers looking into slow SSH logins on Debian Sid recently discovered a backdoor in the latest version of XZ Utils, a set of data compression tools and libraries, used by ... Pročitaj više »
Ožujak 3Rd New SST 8%
Dear Value Customer and Reseller, In light of the recent communication from the Royal Malaysia Customs Department, we wish to notify you that starting March 1st, 2024, there will be an adjustment in the Service Tax (SST) rate, increasing from 6% to 8% for some of the taxable services provided by IONKLIK NETWORK ( This change will ... Pročitaj više »