How to upgrade your PHP version

We have servers that have different versions of PHP for each. This is because each customer has their own version requirements for their website to work. In the event that you need a newer version of PHP on your server, you can upgrade if you are on a Dedicated or VPS server. If you are on a shared server, you can change the PHP version through cPanel (not available on all servers).

Switching the PHP version in cPanel

You can switch the PHP version through your cPanel. Our newest servers give you the option to run different versions of PHP (7.0, 5.3, 5.4) on your account. This is important when using third party applications that require the latest stable version of PHP. The PHP version can only be changed on shared servers and this functionality is available by default to all shared cPanel hosting customers who are on servers that use PHP 5.3. (Not currently a customer? Now’s the time to make the switch to our shared cPanel hosting!)

Changing the PHP Version:

  1. Step 1.  Log into cPanel
  2. Step 2. Click PHP Configuration in the Software section.
    Step 3. Select the version of PHP you want to use from the dropdown.
  3. Step 4. Click Update to save your php configuration. Congratulations, you adjusted your PHP version in cPanel.
  • upgrade, php
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